somehow, Hariharan has managed not to let his erratic choice of musical assignment corrupt his voice. He says he would still love to cut a classical record. Take a year off from everything, concentrate on riyaaz, slip into another world. View PDF
Four years ago, Ramakrishna Hegde, the chief minister of Karnataka, setup the Economic and Planning Council (EPC), a high-powered advisory body. How impressive has been this ‘”super cabinet’s” performance? What are its shortcomings? View PDF
To keep its date with the International Literacy Day Pratham Books, an NGO in the space of literacy is attempting to bring together children from across the country in a uhique book reading endeavour. Says Suzanne Singh, managing trustee, “We have a mission to see a book in every child’s hand. This endeavour is just one step in this direction.” View PDF
She has dared to be different in a staid world. Usha Kini, a producer on DD Bangalore, firmly believes that television can make a difference to our lives. View PDF